Hello there!
to another development diary. In the past weeks we have been working
hard on the gameplay of Farmwand as well as on bringing to life dozens
of world-building related concept art...but more on that later.
To start this development diary we want to share with you a tiny peek of Farmwand in action!
A little bit of farming
Creating a farming / RPG / Open world game is not easy, and there are dozens of systems that have to be carefully designed and linked together in order to make anything work. Especially since we want everything we do to scale up once we have many different items, animals, plants, crops and character interactions at your disposal.
But we are very happy to share a bit of that progress. Farming in our game will be a core activity, as the title implies. From preparing the land to planting the seeds and using all sorts of help to make your crops grow, from the more common as water and fertilizer to the more magical means, we are focused on making it feel fun and rewarding, as well as an activity that you can do to relax for hours on end if you want to. That's something we ourselves love in farming games 🙂And there's already quite a bit of crops available, with many more to come.

But that's only half of Farmwand. The other half, is magic!
A little bit of magic
While we are keeping the more magical elements of the game under wraps for now (since we want it to be truly nice when we finally show it to all of you) we have shown two of the three main items you can expect to use a lot during your magical adventures. Any witch and wizard worth their hat need a wand, a cauldron and a broom. Wands...will be a tale for another dev. diary, but speaking of brooms and cauldrons :

In our game, magic can be used in all sorts of ways and integrates seamlessly to most gameplay elements, including farming. There are countless spells and potions that you can brew for different effects and combine with different activities in order to solve puzzles, farm better crops, solve quests and even change the way characters react to you.
Making potions is a complete process, from picking the right cauldron
(yes, there are different kinds) and ingredients to using the
appropriate processes. Some potions even work better if brewed at night!
the broom will help you travel across the land much faster and reach
far away places, carry some heavier loads and access some unique
minigames. However be careful not to abuse your broom, they get tired
easily from so much flying. It is not like they are your usual, non
magical broom after all.
A lot of customization
However, that's not the end of it. Since brooms and wands are
such an essential part of the wizard's tool box and an extension of your
way of playing, we are working to ensure that they are highly customizable.
Dozens of pieces that can be mixed, matched and colored in endless ways
to build them exactly the way you want. And the same is true for the
With new character options, dozens of hairstyles, outfit
elements, decorations, body types and more coming within the next few
months, we want to make sure that all kinds of players can truly immerse
themselves in the magical world that is Farmwand 🙂
We hope
you liked this already long dev. diary, we will get back to you in a
couple weeks with more news and more things to share about this game.
Remember you can follow us on Twitter to see all updates we publish there, including screenshots, gifs and short videos from the game as we develop it.
Until next time!