Dev Diary #7
Piggies and colorful peppers arrive to the farm, the landscapes receive a makeover and more things are coming soon to the world of Farmwand!
Piggies and colorful peppers arrive to the farm, the landscapes receive a makeover and more things are coming soon to the world of Farmwand!
Music for Farmwand? Days passing by? Well watered crops? Come and find out everything we’ve been adding to Farmwand, you may even see some frogs and toads!
Hello everyone! Is great to be back! To start off 2022 we will talk a bit about what we are planning next for Farmwand’s development and some technical aspects we’ve developed for the game.
Giant forest trolls, potion rooms, tons of spells, new UI and a renewed logo…what else might be hiding inside this devlog? Let’s find out!
Thank you for your votes for the Indie of the Year awards!We are thrilled to be in the top 100, and in this article we want to share even more about the development of our game before 2021 comes to an end!
This week we will talk about some of the gameplay in Farmwand, a few of the customization options we are planning and more!
This is the very first development diary for Farmwand. We will talk a bit about the game and how we are starting its development, as we begin creating the world, characters and features of the game!