Hi there,
Welcome to our newest devlog for Farmwand, which will also be our last devlog of 2021. In the past few weeks, we've been working on new designs for the game's branding, new magical elements in the gameplay as well as improving the UI.
Let's begin with the new Logo and icon for Farmwand.
Logo and icon
The new logo has a more simplified design compared to the previous
version, which makes it easier to read and distinguish, while keeping
the storybook style in the color palette and decorations. The font was
made with my husband's very own child-like handwriting which I love a
lot and find quite fitting for Farmwand 😉

We then took the main decorative elements of the new logo, a mushroom and a flying bee, to create the icon of the game, keep it within our style and make it easy to read at any size.
The Potions room
The most magical part of a wizard/witch's house is the potions room where you can find all the spellbooks, maps and of course the brewing cauldron!
Here you can keep all the ingredients gathered by your hard work and explorations safe, review all the potion recipes you have unlocked and start to create some magic! Or just toss some random objects into the cauldron and see what happens, it is always possible to invent your own potions (or to explode your cauldron, who knows ...it should be fun either way!)
The Forest Troll
The first magical creature in Farmwand that we want to introduce is the Forest Troll. They are giant and loud and messy and destructive and slow...but that doesn't mean they're mindless monsters. There are lots of things to discover and learn about the customs and tribes of the trolls.
Spells wheel
In Farmwand you can cast spells for all sorts of things : during combat, to play a little prank, simplify some chores, or even to help your crops grow. We want to show you a small portion of these spells and how they appear in the wheel where you can select them.
Improvements to the UI
We also improved the inventory's UI and added all the necessary elements to show the time and season, the health/ magic/ hunger meters, the equipped spells, the amount of money etc.
Old UI prototype
New UI design
There are still some refinements and adjustments to make, but as weeks go by our UI starts to get closer to its more finished state.
Thank you for reading this dev diary, we've made a lot of progress in the past few months and it has been a great start of the development of Farmwand. We appreciate all the attention and support from you during these months and hope you keep following us and the development of Farmwand in the future, as we'll have much more new content to show you during 2022 🙂
With the last week of 2021 about to start as well as the last day of
the vote for the "Indie Of The Year", we hope to have your vote on this
second round but most of all we hope that you all have a great holiday
season with your loved ones, please keep safe, and have a wonderful
See you next year!
D & J